White background with blue and green columns

With the new school year starting soon, Strasburg C-3 is urging families to complete the free or reduced-price meal applications as part of the online registration process.

The Federal USDA Waiver that allowed school districts to provide meals at no cost to students has expired. The USDA did NOT extend the Federal Waiver for the upcoming school year.

This means families who do not qualify for free or reduced-price meals will be paying full price for school meals. The 2022-23 meal prices are:

Breakfast (K-8) $1.60
Lunch (K-8: $2.20

*Reduced Breakfast K-12: $0.30
*Reduced Lunch K-12: $0.40

Families can apply for free and reduced-price meals for the 2022-23 school year during the online registration process or by downloading a paper application found here:

2022-2023 Free and Reduced Application

Applications are also available at the district office.  Income eligibility requirements are listed within the application instructions. Only submit ONE application per household. Applications for F/R meals can be submitted thought out the year based on family circumstances.

The benefits of the free and reduced-price meal program extend beyond school meals (see graphic)

For assistance completing the application or for questions, please contact the office.